*Snorts with laughter* Brilliant.
FNB is refering to jingle bob spurs which have a pair of small metal teardrops on a wire candelabra to bounce off the rowel.
These in fact were popular as they did announce your approach to skittish horses and men.
I sold mine as the term 'tenderfoot' doesn't apply to easterners, but in fact your achilles heel after wearing these torture devises.
They are somewhere on a 'Dykes on Bikes' cross country tour, each on the left foot of two 'ladys.'
I think they are getting married in a state that just approved gay marriage. I should send something?
Last edited by Chris Kavanaugh (2009-04-29 11:33:34)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-04-29 16:26:01)
I do not necessarily agree with FNB either but this is too hilarious.
Voxsartoria borrows a page out of Manton's book where it is alright to be an arrogant snob but once the other "dude" acts like one (Sorry FNB), they become the champion for the little guy and the classless society.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
More Cod-Sociology?
FNB talks clothes & links them to class. Others talk class & try to link it to clothes.
Last edited by Just Jim (2009-04-30 09:23:38)
Here's a quick explanation of economic class in America. If you depend on a paycheck from somebody else, you're working class. You can discipline your smug smile when people call you upper working class because there is a beemer in the garage. But you won't smile when that income disappears and you start delivering pizzas in a used Hyundai with a broken heater at night like a few well publicised banking executives covered in our local press.
Is there another concept of 'class' like a guy named Archiebald matured into as Cary?
Or perhaps, let's drop class and use a far older, more nobler, yet fundamental concept.
How about manliness? Not the ability to wield a two handed fighting sword so much, as
simply finding a measure of value and worth in everyone and reflecting same in our studied
garantee of living a life worth living, including dressing for that life.
Some people run around with forum pocket squares and silenced snaffle bit loafers like a knight errant's colours or the open secret of some lodge brotherhood. And then there are those who distill fine clothing into a western artform no different than a japanese swordsman or english country watercolourist.
If that is a distinct class, one a sociologist could recognise or any working class man for that matter,
then I want in.
Last edited by Chris Kavanaugh (2009-04-30 13:01:29)