I think I opened a can of worms here by confirming some of the Americans' worst suspicions. But pissing people off for correcting them for saying that which is not so is a characteristic of even the most generous people. Besides, 'Russell' provided me with hours of entertainment, even before I began spouting my own bullshit. 'Terry Lean' should be given a big gold medal for services to addicts of classic American images. IMO.
Lemme tell ya what - There is no snobbery over here really, just a yearning for more, more, more.
We look like snobs because we don't accept easy answers and satirical handbooks. And if you do then we wonder why.
We don't buy the easy stuff.
We like it hard!
Can we now draw a discreet veil over this one? I don't want to get up Gibson Gardens' nose more than I already have. I just hope people don't think I was referring to the usual brand of English snobbery - I've had a gutful of that in my time, thanks very much.
You have to be careful with this book/cover ITK concept...I mean, if you saw me in the street you might not look twice...but then, what would you really know about me, other than the fact that I'm not a top Ivy dresser? You'd be missing a lot, I tell you!
I do miss Terry Lean, and his separated conjoined twin, Larry.
They were "good peoplle", in the parlance of our times.
Just been reflecting on how nasty I was in those days. Gibson Gardens was mentioned a lot but did not get drawn in. I wonder, can the charges of snobbery be put on one side? I would rather someone else provided the (honest) answer.
BTW, I do take the point about Bean jeans. But that doesn't stop me from liking them. Nor are they easy to find in England.
After seeing far too many men recently, including my fat boy, money-grubbing, personalized number plate former next door neighbour and Dave The Windows (football casual) wearing The Pony, I gave The Pony The Big E. Off to one of the local charity shops. I retained a pair of USA-made chinos.
Standards must be maintained, tha knows.