How can a deceased tailor make suits? -
l wasn't going to put this in but since the dope made me waste 20 seconds, he's going in!
Not even a funny joke. He deserves to be given posting rations for his nonsense (1 post a week only).
l notice a few of their posters have been doing `look at me, l need attention' threads lately.
More trash that serves no purpose than to screw people up more than they are:
Real basic sizing advice given here by blokes who don't really think too much...a strong possibility they'll give poor sizing advice on those. One would think a foot is 2 dimensional given how these drips think. Sorry Micheal, but you need to lift your game mate.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-05-04 23:19:42)
I never read dates, so I had no idea you posted that three years ago!
Sorry for calling you a jackass, although I think the Vass book is good enough. I think custom shoomaking (& tailoring) are not things that can be learned from books, even the Golding stuff (which is old). Doing is learning, that's why I meant nothing better is possible. The photos in the Vass book seem to tell the whole story and someone who can work with their hands and has the ability to innovate could make shoos (crappy ones, but at least recognizably shooos).
Don't start on defeatism and progress, those are wank topics for grad students (and iGents). Considering the pain & misery & deliberate ignorance that have been inflicted on billions of innocent people for millenia, in the name of progress, the same blind progress-for-progress's-sake or progress-to-keep-away-the-darkness that you are talking about, I don't think it's necessarily a good thing. There is plenty of history to demonstrate that progress has run us into a suicide trap for the species - the "progress" of agriculture is a good example since it allowed humans to reproduce at rates unsustainable by the natural environment.
Dopey is a blantantly massive troll. His main purpose at Style Forum is to act like a troll.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-05-05 08:24:49)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-05-05 22:18:43)
No doubt you're familiar with the phrase 'walk a mile in another man's shoes?'
I would do so gladly, but considering they are all used, EBAY specials or 2nds
from a discounter and the size decided upon after getting advice from some unlicensed forum podiatrist
I'm with you
Will the Shill, of, is now crediting his sources, or those who bring things to light:
a pity he couldn't be bothered to do that when he took Tony V's work.
Stealing is a bit strong for a failure to mention that Tony found a newspaper story I linked to isn't it old chum?
But your readership is welcome. My advertisers like to see traffic.
^ Aye.
That's the name of the game.
There are many bloggers, including several personal friends in other sectors, who earn money from advertising. Will is no different and should not be condemned for it. Driving up traffic increases commenters as well as advertising revenue. As a marketing graduate and free marketeer, I applaud Will's commercialism.