Genetic testing has laid to rest ugly internet rumours of FNB and Andy being long lost siblings seperated at birth
and expressions of satorial matters and minor details like ethics a result of different environments.
A tearfull Andy was seen hurrying into a tinted window SUV as the Malindas held back a black and denhim clad
Cruiser shouting " I am your father! you have no idea the power of the dark side"
Correct me if I am in error. Don't most men wear white and blue shirts and dull ties? What is the point of this post and thread? Yay, we are like every other cog.
I dunno if I think Will is ripping people off wholesale. He seems to give his opinions, some of which are a little out there but "Will the Shill" is stretching it, to say the least. I think he's genuinely interested in clothes.
Chris is a wordsmith. The words themselves don't matter, but the smithing of them is his bag. There's a iBiog/CV of his that does the rounds which stresses that he can write on any subject. And I rather think that says it all.
'Wordsmithing?' Bullshit is bullshit is bullshit---with apologies to Gertrude Stein
This defies belief -
My modest book collection includes; a 1st edition Treasure of the Sierra Madre, the collected works of Joseph Conrad, A battered edition of Wind,Sand and Stars by Saint-Exupery. My wall holds a few prints of Van Gogh, Klee,Charlie Russell. My floor has a romanian 'tree of life' rug. There are a few bottles of Laphraiog and Bas de Armanac on the desk my great grandmother sheltered under during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and her husband's Colt New Service in .45 again rests in the hideaway slot.
These things have SUBSTANCE; intellectual and material. With care the literature and art will last millenia yet, the material objects perhaps several generations.
So, I must ask of what ultimate import beyond cyber graffiti and pornography will any of these semi coherent babblings have? I don't know a blog from a twitter. I saw Craig of Craigslist on that other deux ex machina. I was not impressed, nor will I vote for the founder of EBAY as she contemplates politics.
I know little of computer archiving, beyond this cache notation on sites that either fail to load or redirect me to
a link to buy the rights. so, I must assume at present most, if not all will eventually become forever lost in some cyber breakers.
Lost, sob, all lost; And not even a broken stone in the sand proclaiming I AM OZYMANDIUS.
Life is precious,short and wasted enough without pausing over these posts like a roadkill passed on the road.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-05-11 02:09:03)