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#1 2006-09-17 02:00:05

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Johnstons of Elgin

New collection from Johnstons just out. All good quality stuff for those who are so inclined.

I'm sure last season's lambswool Tartan scarves from J.Press were provided by Johnstons. They are currently being sold off in 'The Edinburgh Woolen Mill' (a tourist trap) in Oxford for £15.99 a pop.
Very nice they are too, if not the Press ones then they are their twins.

Shop early for Christmas!

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#2 2006-09-17 03:49:45

Posts: 6433

Re: Johnstons of Elgin

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


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