Celebrating the style of the season -
Please add your own -
"Fain would I pause to dwell upon the world of charms that burst upon the enraptured gaze of my hero, as he entered the state parlor of Van Tassel's mansion. Not those of the bevy of buxom lasses, with their luxurious display of red and white: but the ample charms of a genuine Dutch country tea-table in the sumptuous time of Autumn. Such heaped-up platters of cakes of various and almost indescribable kinds, known only to experienced Dutch housewives! There was the doughty doughnut, the tenderer oly koek, and the crisp and crumbling cruller; sweet cakes and short cakes, ginger cakes and honey cakes, and the whole family of cakes. and then there were apple pies and peach pies and pumpkin pies; besides slices of ham and smoked beef; and moreover delectable dishes of preserved plums, and peaches, and pears, and quinces; not to mention broiled shad and roasted chickens; together with bowls of milk and cream, all mingled higgledy-piggledy, pretty much as I have enumerated them, with the motherly tea-pot sending up its clouds of vapour from the midst - Heaven bless the mark!"
Washington Irving enjoying a legendary Autumn tea-time in Sleepy Hollow.
(For the entertainment of G.F.B.)
Last edited by Miles Away (2006-09-18 09:33:00)
Have you the seen the film version?
Wonderful clothes, and Hedy Lamarr is beyond beautiful.
Fall is Here
Fall is here.
Another year
is coming to an end.
Summer's finished,
Summer's gone,
Winter's round the bend.
Fall is piles of crunchy leaves,
orange, gold, and red.
Fall is sweaters with long sleeves
and blankets on the bed.
Fall is football,
Fall is pumpkins,
Fall's where summer ends.
Fall is coming back to school,
and seeing all my friends.
Helen H. Moore
"Dreaded are the early days of September when the young WASPs, dressed in plaid with Brooks Brothers jackets are shipped away for higher learning to St. Pauls or Andover. Nevertheless, for some reason, to be sent away at an age when you've barely stopped breast-feeding, have not even begun puberty, and still suck your thumb is considered a great WASP honor.
When I was dropped off at an all-girls boarding school, it took my parents three hours to pry my arms off the bumper of their Volvo station wagon. And as you study the classics, get hit on the head with lacrosse sticks, and debate club your way through a dark winter of influenza, it's always great excitement to receive some homemade goodies. The note always says " Love Mom" or "Mother" or "Muzzie", dictated but not read, and even though you know it's the cook who made them, you're grateful.
Alexandra Wentworth. The Wasp Cookbook. 1997.
A 'Trad' take on the start of the mellow months...
No Frost here yet?
(I never know if that's a good thing or not)
Oh what the hell - I think he belongs at this time of year...
*shuffles off to bookcase*