Certainly not inane, but there are problems with a cabinet such as this:
lf a robber enters your house and sees those, he'll think `should be easy to sell, l can get $10 a pair for these'. He'll put `em all in a big bag and walk out with them in two minutes. A days drug money.
Nice cabinet, but doesn't fit many pairs in.
l would never have a cabinet for my shoos because l fear someone will pinch them all. l prefer to put my shoos in unusual places like: under the bed, behind the t.v, behind the piano, in the closet under stuff, under junk, in draws etc. Therefore if someone does break in, it is not likely he will steal the entire collection. The problem with this is that l always have trouble finding my shoos and sometimes go many months without finding various pairs because l forget where l put them.
What l ultimately would like to do is get a large thick concrete vault made and have it bolted to the floor: this would avoid theft and hopefully protect my collection from a fire. Shoo collections come with a heart felt storey and are often irreplacable, so drastic measures need to be taken.
bad shellac job.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-05-29 10:58:51)
For my 666th post, this rubbish:
He actually hid the shoes so that he could spend a couple of days asking his colleagues in iGentry whether or not he should buy them at deep discount! Hid them!
Why didn't he just tuck them under his coat and try to steal them instead?
Note to Mods.. If you can freeze my post count at 666, this would seem to be a reasonable tribute to a post that sums up so many aberrant behaviors of the iGentry it should be preserved in wax..
Style Forvm approval can be addictive, Shooey.
Stands John On his head. Now your count is 899
Last edited by Chris Kavanaugh (2009-05-29 19:37:02)
You guys are wierd..
Wierd and shelfish. I want FNB's mushrooms.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-05-30 22:40:13)
When it comes to schizo, defer to the expert.