This is partly true, you can choose your cloth form fabric books and still be an iGent. However, the ne plus ultra of iGentism is to source scraps from jobbers and then pretend that you are an expert on the English fabric merchants cloths. The plus ultra being if you memorize the call numbers.
Vox has such a great sense of humor which is no doubt what enables him to wear his clothes.
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2009-06-16 20:16:32)
Perfect iGent (in miniature) cufflinks.
Hi, i am heading down to London this weekend on a shopping binge. On my list is to buy a selection of my first T&A shirts. My wife said to me 'they better be easy to iron' and mentioned if they are hard to iron then they will be left in the laundry forever (so far all my hermes shirts and some other very expensive shirts are buried there) she refuses to iron these. My question is before i outlay £120/.each for T&A shirts can someone tell me if they are easy to iron or not. (btw i do help out a hell of a lot around the house, washing, cleaning, hoovering etc.. one thing i CANNOT do is iron, so my wife does it.).
Thank you in advance
My first post, so I figure I'll start here and work my way up.
This has got to be a troll. I simply will not believe somebody could be so, unethical for lack of a better word. He needs to team up with the guy with the argyle socks that are showing signs of wear after.. wearing them.
Let's do the math. He couldn't have paid more than $100 for the coat, he's had it 5 years. That's $20 a year. I think LL Bean has kep their end of the bargain.
How do you even troll that place any more? It's like the Red Lobster of style forums.