What he needs to do is cut all his hankies down until they are all exactly the same size and then store each one in zip lock plastic baggies.
l think Style Forum has been over-run by silly little know-it-all brats with ego's far bigger than they need to be. Here is one such pathetic example, the skinny goon: (there is a few little tantrums he throws in that thread)
As if anyone cares what his opinions are. l wish J would get rid of it.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-07-15 02:26:21)
l find this blokes BIG signiture misleading too.
What's so decadent about them??? l was expecting Norvegese or Bentivegna constructions. That guy is dreamin'.
Here's one for you Shooey old boy:
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-07-21 08:48:56)
Gentlemen. What a laugh! How much it must have hurt such a hopeful to be rejected.
Dear me.
Love it.
Barking Bonkers Mad.
Post Often.
Best -
Thank you, Russell. What's it like to be a big wheel in reject land?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-07-22 10:00:38)
It must be great being The Shooman. Much better than plain boring old marc_au.
But wouldn't you like to be a Shooman on a real site? In reality? Rather than just in spirit?
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2009-07-22 10:12:03)
Still better than being "Sammy Arsehole"...
(If I wink after saying that then we're cool, btw.)
- Well, Maybe -
... ... ... ...
Over at the AskAndyWAYW circle-jerk, this poor fool "Weckl" criticized Cruiser's usual suitjacket/jeans/black sneaker magnificence. He was roundly trounced and wound up apologizing and praising the Great Bureaucrat for the dimple in his tie...
(Scroll to bottom)
Hey look. Somebody cared. How inane
What after 2,000 posts only one person cared!
But did it hurt when only ONE person cared?
So you did care after all. Why pretend otherwise then?