It seems to be that there is a fair amount of arcane knowledge about apparel and the manufacturing process being displayed on this thread by FNB, Shooman and others, and it comes across as a bit spoilsportish and churlish to deny iGentryand aspiring iGentry the right to so indulge. But perhaps you chaps fell out of the womb cognizant of the difference between Grenson and Eddie Greens.
On the subject of substandard fabrics: In the 70s I worked on the night shift in a fabric printing mill in London. This wasn't clothing fabric, but stuff for curtains and upholstery and the like. Only a tiny percentage of the production was considered perfect and that was stolen for local distribution or else went for export. Most of it was flawed in some way.
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2009-07-30 01:18:39)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-07-30 01:29:18)
Stylish Devil:
One for BIG Tony and Johnny Rotten. Some bloke gets upset over wrinkled shoos!
This bloke makes a good response to the nonsense above:
But of course you get know-nothing little boys with their heads up their a*** with this nonsense:
Sorry kid, it doesn't work that way. Go back to mum and don't ever come back.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-07-30 09:59:11)
Last edited by formby (2009-07-30 11:23:32)