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#26 2006-10-10 08:23:02

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Norman Rockwell is a good source for those who wish to see all classes wearing Ivy and Ivy-esq Americana way back when.

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#27 2006-10-10 08:46:41

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Just heard the glad tidings that we haven't lost the Godfather - He is back on AAATrolls! (Sorry)

Dear Sir - We love your stuff. Come & join the real world of Ivy League? You've done 'Trad' and it worked. Leave that joke now & move on. Don't waste your skill, wit & taste on it any longer. You've earned your spurs - come & join the grown-ups. We appreciate you, the 'Trads' just imitate you.

With respect - David.

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#28 2006-10-10 08:58:07

Posts: 1192

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.


#29 2006-10-10 09:01:00

Posts: 1192

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.


#30 2006-10-10 09:48:09

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Cheever uses 'Sainted' in 'Oh What a Paradise it Seems'. I'm guessing the term is legit.

It does seem blasphemous to a faithful High Church Anglican Protestant like me... you know the kind of person... a work-shy booze-hound who spends Sunday mornings hoping he'll get a nooner...

But, Hey! Each to their own.


" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#31 2006-10-10 09:58:09

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Ummmmmm - Why is the Godfather still doing 'Trad' when the joke is now long over?

Surely he knows the truth about 'Trad'?

I want to like the man. He needs to take a bow & move on. C'mon Harry, you're better than this.

Don't let me down.


Edit: He's not being paid by the bloke who runs the MB he favours to keep spinning out this crap is he? If not, WTF prolong it all?

Last edited by Miles Away (2006-10-10 10:01:30)

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#32 2006-10-10 10:18:03

Posts: 30

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

I think he believes in it. It's his culture. Can't fault a man for being evangelical about his beliefs. Ok, maybe a little bit.

About this whole 'every man' side to TNSIL. I like to believe it is but I don't think so. Clothes are so cheap now that I think we forget that things used to be quite expensive comparitively. I can outfit myself in jeans, a tee shirt, socks, underwear and shoes for less than $30 at Wal Mart. No, these clothes aren't great quality but they'll last for long enough. $30, it's not much. It's less than a days take home if you make minumum wage. It's damn cheap and this wasn't always the case. Certainly not before WWII and not for much of it after either. I grew up in a world of hand me downs and garage sales not because we were poor, but because clothes cost more and you grew out of them so fast. Look and Lands End, a seller of great frugal trad goods. Their regualr OCBD has been $20 for over 20 years. 20 years and no price increase. Who here that's been working for 20 years is making the same money they were making 20 years ago?
I think trad, and all quality tailored clothes for that matter, were expensive enough that they were only relavent to a portion of the population. Jeans, tee shirts and Chuck Taylors were accessable to a far greater audience. Now that's an every man style that has endured far better than TNSIL has.


#33 2006-10-10 10:29:44

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Time was there was Ivy at all prices.
Chris H. has a list of US RTW Ivy companies taken from his outstanding collection of vintage Ivy items. He posted it on AAAT once and got no response.

The Godfather's 'culture' is purely the Godfather's posing. If 'Trad' is his little troll-baby then he's cool and a player. If he thinks he can make the world beleive that 'Trad' is real, then he's a fool.

The boy has talent. This Trad sillyness is such a waste of what he could be doing. Probably he is now just keeping it going to be annoying...
Well... It's a free country...

Ivy for Everyone.


" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#34 2006-10-10 10:51:05

Posts: 1192

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Like the 50% Switzer I am, I am hereby declaring neutrality on this matter...I'm all for Ivy but I'm also all for new sources for club collars.


#35 2006-10-10 11:14:07

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#36 2006-10-10 12:52:03

Posts: 490

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Now I'm feeling self-conscious about being a Presbyterian O'Hara fan...

This is all kind of a tempest in a teapot, though, don't you think?  Surely the GF's influence doesn't extend much further than a couple dozen guys who spend too much time online (guilty).  Whatever the true story is, he's provided a LOT of useful information and stirred up some good discussion.  Three "cheers" are due, surely.

Off-topic:  why am I increasingly fond of plain-hemmed, slightly highwater casual pants (chinos and the like), eschewing cuffs on recent purchases?

I'm liking this look for some reason.  Still cuff all suits and "serious" trousers. 

Any other trads with me on this?

edited to add:

Or should I say "Ivies?"

Last edited by Brownshoe (2006-10-10 12:52:34)


#37 2006-10-10 13:30:30

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

My current Cords are as you describe, Sir. Makes a nice change & adds to the look I think. I'm a fan.

Ahhhhh - The GF! Such a mixed blessing... and yet I can see good in the lad. He has his problems... don't we all?
Why do I worry that he gives the Ivy League look a bad name? Why do I care? Only on the MBs does the silly word Trad exist.

I must get out more... Back to Russell Street, Covent Garden. I must stop working so hard and spending so much time at the computer. I should meet up more with old & new friends & talk Ivy & live life as we once used to... back before we stopped smoking... back when we used to compare Weejuns downstairs in the old Scotts Sandwich Bar... Back when James of New Row was still open selling stripey Nylon watchstraps for our Timexs.

Remember breezing into John's after a good go at Ray's and talking in code to each other? We used to call anything really good 'Boola', based on the Yale song 'Boola-Boola' as sung by Humphrey Bogart in 'Sabrina'... and 'Boola-Boola' was based on 'Bulldog, Bulldog' by Cole Porter...

Striped knit own-label ties from Liberty's on Regent Street were 'Boola'. Arrow BDs from the Savile Row shop were 'Boola'. A shot of Jamesons after a pint of Guinness was 'Boola'. Kevin at Trumpers downstairs in Simpsons used to do our short back and sides on a Saturday morning except for Paddy who went to Blades by New Scotland Yard for a crew cut every fortnight... Such Boola times...

The GF is not Boola. He's no fun. He's a poo.


" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#38 2006-10-10 13:34:17

From: Covington, KY
Posts: 1397

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Don't you think saying Ivy is a poo.  Snobby at least.  After all there are only 8 Ivy schools - talk about elitist.  Japanese Trad is for everyman.  Mass market Ivy becoms trad for the common man.  Henry Ford and assembly line is for the everyman - Japan has it right.

Last edited by mike (2006-10-10 13:35:45)

You love him? He is hephaistion.


#39 2006-10-10 13:44:43

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Ivy is just the name I grew up with. I like the London & the Japanese and the old French takes on the American Style...
America used to do it best, though, & still could again...
In Japan they call it Ivy too, Mike. 'Trad' is either American or English. Ivy is specifically American over there.
The common man thing isn't really the point, I don't want to hold up Ivy as a socialist style, my point is that the style was not a snob style in the past. It is just being reinvented as one now.
Which seems a shame.

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#40 2006-10-11 07:58:24

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

The GF never quoted Auchincloss before... did he?

Stone me, he's been reading my threads & pinching stuff again!

Oh my nephew, your uncle understands & loves you... play your games with my blessing.

Do you know the word 'Nebbish'? It's not rude, if taken in the right way. It means you are young. That's a good thing.

Good for you.

With love,

Your Uncle,

Miles Away.

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#41 2006-10-11 08:06:40

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Boola Boola
Im no Foola
I go to schoola
To make the moola

Boola Boola
Im no foola
I go to schoola
Its Yale


#42 2006-10-11 08:20:09

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Rah! Rah!

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#43 2006-10-11 08:40:58

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Lemme make the point of this thread clear:

Yes, Ivy was worn by Brahmins, but also it was worn by waiters & mechanics back in the day. Cheaper clothes, same style.

I just want to remind the new fans of the style that RL & OPH are OK but there is more. The style is broader than you might know, or choose to know.

It starts with US copies of English clothes in Brooks & Campus shops etc. It became a mass market look at it's hayday (Ivy for everyone!). Then it dwindled & was replaced in peoples' affections by non-US styles - Mainly Italian.

You need to know the history of any style to really dig it. Ivy may mean nightshirts to you & that's cool, but it means a lot more to many other people. Be open to that.

Enjoy the richness of your chosen style. Celebrate it. Just don't come in at the tail end of it with your version of an old, old look and try to get others to buy that your take is THE take. Live & let Live. I know guys with shirts older than you. Respect other's experience.

You've got your place GF. But that's all you got, just like me. Let's all share & get along. Ivy for everyone! Yes?

Why does it take a Brit. to say this? GF - Didn't your father teach you this stuff? I can't say mine ever did... Bless him... He's as dead now as yours is GF.

Love, respect & understanding from:

Miles Away.

PS - Let me help you. Don't close yourself off so much.


" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#44 2006-10-11 09:50:12

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

C'mon - Let's end the 'Trad' wars tonight. Why not?
PM me & we'll chat. Or pop an open letter into the forum. Use a go-between if you like.
I'd PM you but I'm banned from Andyland & you don't take PMs anyway.

No tricks, no trolls, just an offer to end things. If I screw you over you can hold me up as the *whatever* I am. Deal?

You can do the Brahmin End of Ivy, I'll give my London experience, & If I can convince 'IvyGuy' that it's worth his while we could have a Japanese correspondent. Then there's Horace and all the other guys. Maybe we can even get guys back who've lost interest...

I really don't want to take you down or unmask you. To make all this work we just need to join in with each other.
I'll tell you anything I know... I'll plunder my friend's experience too - Jointly we could go back to '62-ish.
You tell me how different you found Ivy in NYC compared to your youth in the South. Stuff like that. Interesting stuff.

Worth a try?

Don't make yourself look like the bad guy who won't join in here. Bend a little. You're big enough to do it.

Trust me. No piss takes. if anybody chips in to stir things up I'll Malinda them. It's worth it for a united front. No?


" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#45 2006-10-11 11:24:07

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

A bit more London Ivy slang (limited to me & my chums) -

We used to call the Ivy-Esq  'Leaguers' (Obviously from Ivy-Leaguers)...

... There was a time when I got called 'The Eager Leaguer'... Well - I was 19... (Imagine that - Me, full of enthusiasm..)

Then, later, I married Mrs Away and got called 'The Beaver Leaguer'...

... Odd because my wife's teeth are perfectly straight and she has no tail...  I have heard her say 'Damn' though...

Who ever knows what people ever really mean?

I'm not always sure that my friends like me that much... Oh the bleating loneliness of it all!

Never mind, eh?

Chin up -


" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#46 2006-10-11 14:17:24

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Seriously -

My door is always open, Harris.

Take a chance -

Edit: So many questions to ask you for one thing... The term 'Trad' is only the tip of the iceberg...

Last edited by Miles Away (2006-10-12 00:56:26)

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


#47 2006-10-12 01:05:27

Posts: 6433

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

Calvin Trillin has just refered to TNSIL as "Ivy Style" in an article in the New Yorker.  I could pull a Stinky but I'll tell you that XCubbies, who has a lot of good info., posted it over at AAAC.  Good little article.  And worth comparing to the one that I posted (only an excerpted passage though) by Trillin (c. 1970) here in clothing quotations thread.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#48 2006-10-12 01:07:38

Posts: 6433

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#49 2006-10-12 01:09:02

Posts: 6433

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#50 2006-10-12 01:58:16

Miles Away
From: Miles away
Posts: 1180

Re: The Truth about 'Trad'.

" ... Ubi bene, ibi patria, which being roughly translated means, 'Wherever there's a handout, that's for me, man.' "
Alistair Cooke. 1968.


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