Oliver, you never told us you were friends with Roy Orbison. So COOL!!!
Welcome to TI, YoungIvy. I like the outfit.
Thanks Ville!
They're the ol' LVC bedfords in navy; the one great cut of pants I've found from contemporary makers with all the right details. I sadly spilled red wine and spaghetti sauce all over my beige colored pair this past weekend, so now I'm desperately trying to track down another pair! The shirt's a great yellow/blue BB Makers that belongs in the surfin' stripes thread.
I see two studs and one pair of trousers. Snarf.
Last edited by IvyLeagueOfGentlemen (2013-05-28 14:31:40)
I'm glad you guys like it and thanks for the greetings! There are some really inspiring photos in here.
Last edited by YoungIvy (2013-05-28 14:23:45)
It's a good look IMO I like the blue oxford with a grey heather hoodie or sweatshirt.
Levi's Bedford cords to clairfy.
I think I need a pair.. or three.
You may have missed it, but that chick was totally trying to get your attention.
Super casual and comfy looking there. The weather's actually beautiful here today.
I'm wearing Red Wing boots, LE Chinos, and a black WHO t shirt. I'm restocking warehouse shelves. It is as fun as it sounds. I can blast tunes though, so that keeps me grounded.
A threat of sunshine today so,
Keds Champions, off white
LVC Bedfords, 'fog'
ArmourLux 'picasso stripe' long sleeve t-shirt
Uniqlo fishing hat
Blue G4 just in case it gets 'nippy' later,
A large Zombie in a tiki-head mug, and a bit of Talking Heads on the iPod.