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#12826 2013-05-28 11:19:39

Posts: 8568

Re: Ivy League style for today

some sort of banal legitimacy


#12827 2013-05-28 12:01:55

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

Oliver, you never told us you were friends with Roy Orbison.  So COOL!!!

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#12828 2013-05-28 13:14:55

The Woolster
Ivy Antenna
Posts: 1829

Re: Ivy League style for today


#12829 2013-05-28 13:17:10

The Woolster
Ivy Antenna
Posts: 1829

Re: Ivy League style for today

Welcome to TI, YoungIvy. I like the outfit.


#12830 2013-05-28 13:19:55

From: Grace Brothers
Posts: 1255

Re: Ivy League style for today

"As I looked out into that night sky, with all those infinite stars, it made me realise how unimportant they are"

Peter Cook


#12831 2013-05-28 13:36:57

The Woolster
Ivy Antenna
Posts: 1829

Re: Ivy League style for today


#12832 2013-05-28 13:48:13

From: San Francisco
Posts: 6321

Re: Ivy League style for today

Thanks Ville!

They're the ol' LVC bedfords in navy; the one great cut of pants I've found from contemporary makers with all the right details. I sadly spilled red wine and spaghetti sauce all over my beige colored pair this past weekend, so now I'm desperately trying to track down another pair! The shirt's a great yellow/blue BB Makers that belongs in the surfin' stripes thread.


#12833 2013-05-28 13:50:00

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#12834 2013-05-28 13:50:35

Posts: 7661

Re: Ivy League style for today

I see two studs and one pair of trousers. Snarf.


#12835 2013-05-28 14:12:39

From: Grace Brothers
Posts: 1255

Re: Ivy League style for today

Last edited by IvyLeagueOfGentlemen (2013-05-28 14:31:40)

"As I looked out into that night sky, with all those infinite stars, it made me realise how unimportant they are"

Peter Cook


#12836 2013-05-28 14:13:52

From: Grace Brothers
Posts: 1255

Re: Ivy League style for today

"As I looked out into that night sky, with all those infinite stars, it made me realise how unimportant they are"

Peter Cook


#12837 2013-05-28 14:20:17

From: Sweden
Posts: 454

Re: Ivy League style for today

I'm glad you guys like it and thanks for the greetings! big_smile There are some really inspiring photos in here.

Last edited by YoungIvy (2013-05-28 14:23:45)


#12838 2013-05-28 14:29:55

Posts: 7661

Re: Ivy League style for today

It's a good look IMO I like the blue oxford with a grey heather hoodie or sweatshirt.


#12839 2013-05-28 14:30:41

The Woolster
Ivy Antenna
Posts: 1829

Re: Ivy League style for today


#12840 2013-05-28 14:57:38

From: San Francisco
Posts: 6321

Re: Ivy League style for today

Levi's Bedford cords to clairfy.


#12841 2013-05-28 15:08:55

The Woolster
Ivy Antenna
Posts: 1829

Re: Ivy League style for today

I think I need a pair.. or three.


#12842 2013-05-28 17:26:44

From: San Francisco
Posts: 6321

Re: Ivy League style for today


#12843 2013-05-28 18:25:07

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

You may have missed it, but that chick was totally trying to get your attention.

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#12844 2013-05-28 20:19:18

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#12845 2013-05-29 05:49:22

Posts: 2068

Re: Ivy League style for today

"Plup." Jimmy Frost Nachtman.


#12846 2013-05-29 05:52:34

Posts: 2068

Re: Ivy League style for today

"Plup." Jimmy Frost Nachtman.


#12847 2013-05-29 11:53:35

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

Super casual and comfy looking there.  The weather's actually beautiful here today. 

I'm wearing Red Wing boots, LE Chinos, and a black WHO t shirt.  I'm restocking warehouse shelves.  It is as fun as it sounds.  I can blast tunes though, so that keeps me grounded.

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#12848 2013-05-30 12:07:22

From: San Francisco
Posts: 6321

Re: Ivy League style for today


#12849 2013-05-30 12:09:55

Posts: 7661

Re: Ivy League style for today

Nice look L


#12850 2013-05-31 11:14:13

From: West London
Posts: 3848

Re: Ivy League style for today

A threat of sunshine today so,

Keds Champions, off white
LVC Bedfords, 'fog'
ArmourLux 'picasso stripe' long sleeve t-shirt
Uniqlo fishing hat
Blue G4 just in case it gets 'nippy' later,

A large Zombie in a tiki-head mug, and a bit of Talking Heads on the iPod.

"I have about 100 pairs of pyjamas. I like to see people dressed comfortably."
Hugh Hefner


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