Should we have one?
Thoughts please.
I just enjoy myself - often far too much.
Maybe we should have more of a focus?
I like the idea but am not sure what I could bring to the table.
An all out reform the trad back to ivy should be #1.
Be civil but refute this 'gentlemen' idea.
Do not accept any imitations.
Use double entendres as often as possible.
Promote good honest old-fashioned shagging.
Corrupt the youth.
Ole chums:
We should definately have a game plan. l just don't know what it is yet.
I only raised this as it's a hot topic on the PMs just now.
I endlessly yammer on about Trad as it's all I know, but this isn't a Trad forum.
The Trad 'cause' uses this forum more than most - But at the same time I have no desire for this to be anything other than what it is - FNB's Style Forum.
Should we have a plan?
I'll talk about Trad.
Twin Six will talk about Bespoke.
Cheeky will talk about the attire of an English Country Gentleman.
Or are we spoiling things for ourselves if we try to formalise things too much?
I honestly have no real opinion on this.
I'm all for a healthy mix, but my voice remains too loud here. We need others speaking up for their passions a little bit more maybe?
All thoughts are welcome -
This is a dorky idea, but could be fun (in a dorky way, like playing Monopoly with your sister):
I'd be fascinated to see your responses to the following:
Describe an ensemble that would exemplify Ivy style and be suitable for the following situations:
Hosting a small dinner party for close friends
Taking the wife out for a night on the town
Drinking and playing pool with your mates
Out to the movies with your daughter and her friends
An afternoon strolling through a museum
Lunch date with old female friend that you always wanted to **** but never did
Anyone can play, but I'd love to hear your ideas. Feel free to set this in any season, add outerwear, etc.
Last edited by Brownshoe (2007-12-05 12:37:39)
I'm just a nice midwestern boy without a guileful bone in my body. I really have no stake in the whole trad vs. ivy thing--I find your position interesting and provocative, but I have no emotional investment in the debate. I just like the clothes, and thought my dorky (c'mon, it's pretty naff) little questionaire would be a fun (ish) way of talking about them and exchanging ideas.
You clearly are passionate and knowledgable about the subject. I want to get your take on what might look good, today (vs. historical analysis), in specific terms. I'm not trying to catch you out or challenge you or anything. At the very worst, I'm looking to steal some ideas.
My interest is more practical than curatorial, I guess. I won't be offended if you don't want to play. I feel my instincts get sharper the longer I pursue the look and the more I can pick up from those better informed, that's all. And there is a "High Fidelity" list-making aspect to the proposed game that appeals to my nerdiness.
It's always interesting chatting with you--
We don't need a defined game plan so much as simply not to be a free-for-all.
I came here for a knowledgeable discussion of clothing and style generally. The fun and games happen on their own.
Endless comparisons to Ask Andy's Trad forum and moderation are sounding like a broken record. Message boards are driven by content, not meta-content.
Quality over quantity.
Esse quam videor -- To be rather than to seem.
Real knowledgeable discussion. Simple.
I a napie?
Racial epithets are a little out of style.
You a skinhead?
I've given up game plans. I'm just going to wear the same thing every day. Cat, now and forever!!! I mean trad, yeah, trad, now and forever.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-12-06 07:53:41)
Thanks, David.
I thought lagniappe meant something like "a small gift." I have a vague memory of William Buckley using the term in an introduction to an old Doonesbury compilation.